Stress Free Boarding and limited day adventure visits
Day care now available Tuesday and Thursdays
4180 Stells Rd. also on instagram and Facebook
Wake forest, NC 27587

The active dog's dream vacation!

Our concept is simple: We believe it IS possible to provide STRESS FREE boarding and have succeeded for 12 years. But in order to achieve this goal, you must have set your pup up for success by crate training (teaching your dog how to be alone) and have socialized your pup.
Dogs sleep in a horse barn that was renovated for dogs with heat and air-conditioning. 2 dogs per 10 x 10 stall (single dog family dogs sleep in a crate within the stall, bunked with best camp friend.). 2 acres of fenced off land has been designated for my campers to play giving plenty of room for those who prefer less energic and enthusiastic play. on the other side is a horse. donkeys and goats! as long as the dogs stay one their side of the fence every enjoy the interspecies visits.
For dogs who love the outdoors, the model has proven to be a happy and fun filled adventure! However, for safety reasons dogs with ANY history of jumping over or digging under fences are not able to attend our camp

All pups must visit the farm and meet the entertainment director, Mackenzie, before we can accommodate boarding or day care reservations. Once your pup is accepted to our camp, we build on the positive social experiences by keeping the group small (maximum 10 dogs TOTAL) and by separating anyone who creates stress. sometimes that looks like time outs. We may have separate play groups for different play styles or for the younger or more shy dogs.

Our Boarding camper's day:
7:00 - 8:00 A.M. play time
8:00-9:00: Breakfast
9-11: more play time
11-2: Nap time
2-4 or 5 (for more energetic): more play
4/5-8 dinner and rest
8-9 last hour of play

Buzzy's Bark-N-Run dog camp is more of a home away from home. Limiting the number of boarders to 10,
allows me to treat each pet like family. As the owner and only employee of Buzzy's Bark-N-Run dog camp,
I will personally care for every guest. Personal observation and a free meet and greet where I listen to pet owners, allows me to understand everything necessary about each guest and customize visits based on the individual.
Because it's important that every guest has the best possible time, with zero stress, I do ask to meet every dog before I accept a reservation. Tours are welcome by appointment only. After meeting your pup, I'll be honest about whether or not He/She is a good fit. What makes a good fit? Dogs who are social, love the outdoors and who are crate trained. "Social" can be pretty subjective, but basically, if Mackenzie, the entertainment director, approves your pup is welcome! My ideal guest just wants to have a good time or relax on the farm without worrying about rude or overly dominant dogs. I do have some great customers who prefer being on their own; If your pup is an introvert, we do have separate fenced in space as long as they're not diggers or fence jumpers. If after meeting with you and your pup we decide I am not the best fit, I will make recommendations.
Welcome to Buzzy's Bark-N-Run! We are not a Kennel!!
We are a home-based business where we
provide a safe, loving, personalized experience
for pups whom we believe can thrive in our environment. We based our concept, back in 2012, after "THE" Buzzy, who at the time was a young, crazy, tireless Irish setter. After needing care for him and realizing there is NO PLACE I would feel safe leaving him, the concept was born.